Clinical Homeopathy
Homeopathy is an incredible natural alternative medicine to help you feel better physically and emotionally.
What is Homeopathy ?
Homeopathy (Homoeopathy) is a scientific system of medicine developed by German doctor and chemist, Dr. Samuel Kristian Hahnemann well over 200 years ago. Today Homeopathic medicine is the world’s most popular traditionally used medicine as declared by WHO (World Health Organisation). 200 million people in over 100 countries use Homeopathic medicine daily as their primary healthcare prescription.
The main principle of Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars, which means conditions are treated by remedies that can produce similar symptoms in a healthy person. This principle is often referred to as ‘like cures like’.
For example, if we take a look at coffee and the symptoms it can produce in its crude form we can see that overuse of coffee can lead to racing thoughts, feeling overstimulated and an inability to sleep or relax. Coffea Cruda prepared as a homeopathic remedy is used to help with symptoms like overstimulation, insomnia and irritability. Another example is an onion that makes the eyes water and nose run when cutting it. The onion prepared as a homeopathic remedy (Allum Cepa) can be used to help with hay fever and colds with runny nose and eyes.
This may sound nonsensical to some, but we can also find some examples of the use of homeopathic principles in conventional medicine. For example, ADHD medication, Ritalin, is a stimulant and yet it is used to treat hyperactivity.
What are Homeopathic Remedies ?
Homeopathic medicines are manufactured from plants, minerals and other natural materials by extracting the raw material into liquid form and 'succussing' it in a special registered laboratory. Through this specific scientific process, remedies become active, non-addictive and without side effects, yet their powerful healing properties are greatly enhanced. The remedies are low-risk and effective for babies, children, elderly, during pregnancy and breastfeeding when used according to homeopathic principles. Homeopathic remedies are not tested on animals.
Medicines are selected based on their specific affinity for the ailments and the symptoms the person is experiencing.
What is Homeopathic Consultation ?
Homeopathy treats each individual as unique and therefore after a detailed case history, a homeopathic medicine is prescribed according to an individual’s unique set of symptoms, which may be physical, emotional or mental.
Homeopathy aims not just to help alleviate symptoms but to strengthen the persons immunity and raise their level of health as well as achieving better emotional wellbeing and energy levels.
How can Homeopathy help ?
Homeopathy can be used for a large variety of acute and chronic health complaints either as a stand-alone therapy or as a support for people undergoing conventional or other forms of treatment.
Some examples of complaints include (the list is not exhaustive):
HEALTH ISSUES & CHRONIC CONDITIONS that have been difficult to resolve and never been well since cases;
ACUTE CONDITIONS - coughs, colds, flu, earaches, food poisoning etc;
COMMON ILLNESSES - sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, otitis, hayfever etc;
FIRST AID SITUATIONS - bites, stings, allergies, physical injury (bruises, sprains, strains, fractures, breaks), post operative support;
BODY ACHES & PAINS - back pain, gout, joint pain, arthritis, muscle pains;
EMOTIONAL SHOCK - loss and grief, trauma;
MENTAL & EMOTIONAL CONDITIONS - insomnia, stress, depression, anxiety, apathy etc;
SKIN CONDITIONS - acne, eczema, psoriasis, warts, rashes, ulcers etc;
WOMEN'S HEALTH - painful periods, hormonal imbalances, peri and menopause, cystitis etc;
MEN'S HEALTH - prostate complaints and erectile dysfunction;
DIGESTIVE HEALTH - bloating, gas, reflux, IBS, diarrhoea, constipation;
PREGNANCY & BIRTH - pregnancy, post-birth recovery, breastfeeding, hormonal imbalances;
BABY & INFANT HEALTH - sleep issues, constipation, colic, nappy rash, reflux, thrush, teething;
CHILDREN’s HEALTH - emotional and behavioural issues, developmental issues, poor concentration, anxiety, lack of confidence, fears and phobias;
GENERAL ENERGY - exhaustion and fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
And much more…
Homeopathy is suitable for adults, kids and babies of all ages as well as animals.
Homeopathy consultations are $100 to $135 for initial consultation depending on the time taken and age of the client and $65 for follow up or acute consultations (30 minutes long). Remedy cost $15 plus postage $15 (if applicable). Sessions can be done in person, online via Zoom or telephone. Discounts are available to family members, please enquire within.
For phone bookings or email inquiries go to our CONTACT page or make a booking online below.
How is Homeopathy different to Naturopathy ?
Many people often confuse homeopathic remedies with herbal medicines and Homeopathy with Naturopathy. Even though both are natural medicines they are quite different. Naturopathy means ‘nature cures’ so naturopaths use a wide range of therapies like nutrition, lifestyle assessment and modification, herbal medicines and supplements to help their client. Naturopaths prescribe mostly nutritional supplements and herbal medicines. Herbal medicines are made from medicinal plants and are in a crude form (i.e. not diluted). Naturopathy helps support and recover from illness by creating a positive and more balanced emotional and physical environment for the client. Homeopathy is a scientific medicine that grew from conventional medicine in the 18th century. Homeopathy also considers diet and lifestyle, but it is the homeopathic remedies that are used to help with the client’s condition. Homeopathic remedies are made from various substances many of which are herbs. All remedies are diluted and potentised from the source material. Homeopathy matches the symptom of the person to the right remedy based on Laws of Similars or ‘like cures like’.
What may Homeopathy help with ?
Homeopathy can be used for a large variety of acute and chronic health complaints either as a stand-alone therapy or as a support for people undergoing conventional or other forms of treatment. Some examples of acute complaints include (the list is not exhaustive): colds, coughs, earaches, injuries and traumas, post operative support, allergies, bites, digestive upsets and many more. Examples of chronic complaints include (the list is not exhaustive): skin issues, digestive issues, urinary tract issues, respiratory issues, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, headaches, depression, anxiety, loss and grief, behavioural issues and many more. For any ongoing chronic condition, it is important to be assessed or examined by your doctor or specialist. Always seek medical advice in emergency cases.
Can I take other medications or supplements together with homeopathic medicines ?
Yes, homeopathic remedies can be taken alongside other medication, herbal or other supplements. As homeopaths we never recommend the cessation of any current medication prescribed by your doctor. Any change to the medication needs to be done by you and in consultation with your doctor.
Can I use Homeopathy if I am pregnant or breastfeeding ?
Yes, many pregnant women use Homeopathy during pregnancy from conception through to postpartum and breastfeeding. We recommend that this should be done under the guidance of a registered practitioner.
Can babies and children take homeopathic medicines ?
Yes, homeopathic medicine is effective for babies and children when used according to homeopathic principles.
Is Homeopathy safe ?
Generally natural medicines have lower risk than their pharmaceutical counterparts or medical procedures, so it makes sense to try natural medicine before proceeding onto higher risk treatments. Homeopathy carries less risks compared to other therapies. Homeopathic remedies are non-addictive and have no side effects.
What can I expect from homeopathic consultation ?
First consultation is 1.5 hours long for adults (16+ years old) and 1 hour for children under 16 years of age. During the first consultation we will cover your past medical history, vaccinations, traumas, surgeries, illnesses in addition to your brief family medical history that may be relevant to your condition. We will also look in detail at your main concern that brought you here, how you are currently feeling emotionally and what stresses you are experiencing, your sleep patterns, digestion, your relationships and fears and phobias you may have. Each consultation is tailored to the individual and is a very thorough process to ensure all aspects are covered (mental, emotional and physical) as to match the whole person to the homeopathic medicine and to try to find the underlying causes for the complaint. We don’t just look at the formal diagnosis of the complaint. You will be either given your homeopathic medicine at the end of the consultation or it will be posted to you within 24 hours of the consultation. Acute consultations are a lot quicker – 30 minutes where only acute symptoms are discussed. Unless consultation is for an acute complaint, most clients will need ongoing support generally for 6 -12 months. Follow ups are tailored to your needs but in general the best time to have a follow up appointment is 4 -8 weeks later or until the symptoms have resolved or a longer term plan is developed. We are also available for any questions and support via phone between follow ups if necessary. All consultations can be done in person or online via Zoom, WhatsApp, Skype or Telephone.
What do I need to do to get ready for my consultation ?
If we haven’t seen you previously, you need to fill in client intake form at least one day before your appointment and email it to us together with any other relevant information you may have on hand. Forms can be found under resources tab on the intake forms page.
Do I need to do any tests before I have my appointment ?
You don’t have to have any tests done before your appointment but often it is good to get tested to understand the underlying causes of your condition or contributing factors. These can be nutritional or hormonal imbalances or toxin accumulations. If any of those areas would be beneficial to explore, we could assist with testing through Hair Mineral Test Analysis (HTMA), Stool Analysis, Food Sensitivities and many more. We aim to keep all treatment as affordable as possible, so testing is always optional unless your symptoms persist. In this case we recommend consulting your doctor or a specialist. As a homeopaths, we do not make a diagnosis of any medical condition. We recommend getting testing from your doctor if the diagnosis is unclear.
Where do I find more information on Homeopathy research and evidence ?
Homeopathy has seen quite a bit of controversy, and many believe that Homeopathy has no evidence base. This is not true as there have been many studies carried out and clinical cases published showing effectiveness of Homeopathy. Below are useful links to research and case studies. Homeopathy Research Institute www.hri-research.org Australian Homeopathic Association www.Homeopathyoz.org/research British Homeopathic Association www.britishhomeopathic.org Homeopathy for Everyone www.hpathy.com
1 hr
135 Australian dollars1 hr
135 Australian dollars45 min
100 Australian dollars45 min
100 Australian dollars30 min
65 Australian dollars30 min
65 Australian dollars30 min
65 Australian dollars

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